Art of Eloquence Blog — Lord RSS

Day 3 of Countdown to CHRISTmas-Selah's Silent Night

Today's video in the countdown is a one of the most beautiful I've seen.  A visual delight as well as a musical one.  This is a short ballet to the song Silent Night as sung by Selah.  Their rendition is extraordinaryily packed with the reverence for the Lord and the video is a sight to behold. What a wonderous way to stop and think on the Lord and what He has done for us.  What He gave up for us.  And what He continues to do for us. Enjoy this gorgeous video as you reflect on the Lord.  Tomorrow I'll have another wonderful video that will help us all keep Christ in our CHRISTmas.  Until then... If you liked this post, please subscribe to our RSS...

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Do experts really have universal wisdom/knowledge?

Your English teacher always told you to study your vocabulary words because it was important.  Why?  Because the bigger our vocabulary, the stronger the likelihood that we will choose the correct word for the situation.  Mark Twain once said, “The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”   The more words we have at our command, the more precise our description and the more effective our communication. To that end, today's Word of the Week is: pansophy  \PAN-suh-fee\, noun: Universal wisdom or knowledge. From the Greek, pansophy is comprised of the root words pan meaning “all” and sophy meaning “wisdom.” As I looked at this word, it reminded me...

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NEW: Interview w/a Communicator

We have a new feature here on Communication FUNdamentals called Interview with a Communicator.  We all communicate every day of our lives and communication touches every aspect of it.  So...each week, I'm going to bring you a blog interview with someone in a different ministry, business or time of life to share with you.  Each will share the mission God has them on and how effective communication plays an important role.  We begin with a friend I met online. BeckyJoie Thombs Oakes is a “multiple hat wearer” and a free-lance writer. She spends her time volunteering to work with youth as well as lay-counseling ministries at a local Christian counseling center.  She has three sons.   She lives with her husband,...

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How do you tell God you're frustrated?

I'm not even sure where to begin.  I think I've started this blog post about six times.  I'm not even sure I remember all the details of what happened.  I just felt the Lord leading me to share all that's been going on here the past  month or so.  I feel like there's someone out there who needs to know they are not alone. Every once in a while stuff happens.  A mistake here.  A technical glitch there.  Just stuff.  Stuff that makes you cringe.  Stuff that makes you want to give up.  Stuff that makes you want to throw your computer out the window.  Stuff.  Frustrating stuff. A little bit of frustration is just life.  A modest amount of...

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On taking the 'God Parts' out

Art of Eloquence is fast approaching the completion of its eighth year in business this November.  It's been a very interesting ride so far.  I've learned a great deal about business, about myself and my faith. When I wrote my first study, Say What You Mean (for Teens), I really wasn't thinking of this as a business or even a ministry. It was simply an answer to a homeschool friend's need for a more comfortable way her shy daughter could learn to communicate more effectively.  It was important to me that the approach to overcoming shyness and strengthening communication skills be fun and reflect the teachings that are so prevalent in God's Word.  I have literally found HUNDREDS of scriptures...

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