Children's Courses & Homeschool Materials
The Most Important Life Skill You Can Teach Your Child: Effective Communication!
How can learning speech communication enhance your child's life?
* Increased learning and retention
* Less conflicts and deeper friendships
* More confidence and self-esteem
* Overcoming or completely avoiding shyness
* Increased happiness from getting more of what (s)he wants
* More successful marriage and career later in life
* Ability to show leadership
* Confidence in social situations
* More success in college prep tests and interviews as well as college applications
* Less likely to question their own faith later in life, if they have the ability to confidently answer the world's questions about Jesus
JoJoism#20 "Do not mistake speaking for communicating. One involves an ability and the other mastery." JoJoisms: Revealing Life's I think of 'em!

* Christian-based
* Humor filled, creative and FUN hands-on activites
* “Try before you buy” sample eLessons
* Easy to use
* Homeschoolers: No teacher edition needed!
* Endorsed by The Old Schoolhouse Magazine and recommended by HSLDA!
* Studies to help Pre-K through Adult
* Various communication topics available such as speech, debate, leadership, defending the faith, business communication and more!
* eStudies are immediately downloadable so no waiting for delivery or paying for postage!
* All eStudies include embedded links with even more resources and materials!
* Art of Eloquence allows homeschoolers to purchase only ONE eStudy to be used by ALL members of the household!
*Art of Eloquence has volume discounts for large co-op classes! Just email us for details.
* Art of Eloquence has value packages where you can save money when purchasing two or more studies!
While most people acknowledge that communication skills are important, they don't realize just how vital these skills are to achieving success in our personal and professional life. Employers constantly seek applicants who posses skills they cannot teach in a few weeks of on-the-job-training. The ability to communicate clearly and effectively is usually at the top of the list.
Statistics also show that people who are comfortable speaking in public make more money and describe themselves as being happier than their less articulate counterparts. In fact, the Lord feels communication so important that He mentions our mouths, tongues and words hundreds and hundreds of times in the Bible!
Given the importance of speech communication skills, why aren't you teaching these skills to YOUR children?
The earlier they learn them, the easier they will be able to incorporate them into their lives and the more success they'll have in their relationships, careers and ministries! Check out all our homeschool materials for PreK-Sr High!
You can't put a price tag on your child's confidence or the power of leadership skills and career opportunities!
"I am sold on this program and would highly recommend it. In fact, I would go so far as the say that every homeschooled child should have this book! I believe that the art of effective communication is so very important, yet it is something that is not taught often or enough. Every student should be equipped with the tools available.” -Heidi Strawser, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, LLC
Order now! The earlier they learn these skills, the easier and more successful their lives will be!