Art of Eloquence Blog — speech communication RSS

How many math scriptures do you know?

There are literally hundreds and hundreds of scriptures where the Lord shares why communication skills are so important, how we should speak to one another and what we shouldn't do when we communicate. Studies show that effective communicators do better in school, in their careers and their relationships.  Statistics say that 87% of what you and I do all day is communication related!  Lack of effective communication is the number one reason listed for marriage to fail.  Yet speech communication is thought of as an elective. I can't think of one scripture in the Bible that speaks of the importance of math.  Can you?  Yet most Christians work hard to make sure their kids master math from 1st through 12th...

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5 Political Reasons to Learn Effective Communication Skills

I'm often asked why communication skills are so important.  I hear so many say things like: "After all, with cell phones, email and the internet we are the most connected society who ever lived.";  "The only people who really need to learn effective communication are lawyers and politicians.";  "Most people know what I mean." and "So I'm not Ronald Reagan!" Statistics show that 87% of what you and I do all day long is communication related.  You communicate when you talk to friends, when you discipline your kids, when you share ideas at work, when you share your faith.  I hear some of you out there though thinking, "What's so important?  So I don't get along that well with Aunt...

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Grace Talk Soup Contest!

May Grace Talk Soup Contest: Help us promote this show by posting it to Twitter, Facebook, your blog, newsletter, website, Yahoo group, etc.  Then email and give us the link or tell us where you posted it and we will enter you in this week’s contest for a chance to win a prize: Say What You Mean Defending the Faith!  Just in time for our mini series this month! What's Grace Talk Soup all about? Are you confident that you are being understood when speaking to your child's doctor? Are you sure that they know exactly what you need when you finally get to the right menu option at your mortgage company? Do you know why your small business...

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HSLDA Recomends Art of Eloquence Studies!

The other day my friend, editor and co host, Carla Ives, called to tell me that she just read HSLDA's Weekly Update and found that they had recommended two of Art of Eloquence's speech communication studies! "3. Public Speaking for High Schoolers Good public speaking skills are essential for your teen. Family, friends, and neighbors make great audiences, and your teen will be more motivated to do his best when he knows others will benefit from his presentation. " "For help in teaching public speaking see these other resources: 'Say What You Mean for Teens' 'Know Your Audience'" I had received their update, but had not yet read it!  What an honor to have an organization like the...

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Short Quiz

Are you one of the few people who does not need to hone your communication skills?  Take this short quiz to find out: 1. Are you breathing? If you answered "no" to ANY of these questions, further study on effective communication skills is not necessary for your success. The rest of you join me over at Art of Eloquence and let's have some fun with speech communication skills!

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