Art of Eloquence Blog — economy RSS

Nine out of ten of you won't read this, but you SHOULD!

Announcement: Due to my health issues, I will only be writing posts for the Art of Eloquence blog once a month.  If you would like more information, tips and free gifts, please subscribe to our twice monthly newsletter. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Have you noticed that some of social media posts will garner tons of "likes," retweets, shares, and comments, but others...well...they just don't?  It seemed to me that the ones that are the most important are commonly in the latter group.  Frustrated, I looked deeper into this issue and was surprised by what I found.  I think you will be too, but it's an important communication lesson for us all in the Technological Age.  By the way, I encourage you to read...

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5 Political Reasons to Learn Effective Communication Skills

I'm often asked why communication skills are so important.  I hear so many say things like: "After all, with cell phones, email and the internet we are the most connected society who ever lived.";  "The only people who really need to learn effective communication are lawyers and politicians.";  "Most people know what I mean." and "So I'm not Ronald Reagan!" Statistics show that 87% of what you and I do all day long is communication related.  You communicate when you talk to friends, when you discipline your kids, when you share ideas at work, when you share your faith.  I hear some of you out there though thinking, "What's so important?  So I don't get along that well with Aunt...

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