Art of Eloquence Blog — humor RSS

The word is humor

  In honor of Ronald Reagn's birthday this week, the word of the week is humor.  What is humor? Merriam Webster defines it as "a: that quality which appeals to a sense of the ludicrous or absurdly incongruous b: the mental faculty of discovering, expressing, or appreciating the ludicrous or absurdly incongruous c: something that is or is designed to be comical or amusing." x Humor comes in many forms including: one liners, jokes, whiticisms, puns, slapstick, and sarcasm.  Some humor involves the telling of stories and Ronald Reagan had plenty of them always at the ready.  This is a rare YouTube video montage of his best Soviet Union jokes he loved to share. x If you liked this post, please subscribe...

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What made Reagan "The Great Communicator?"

On this day in 1911, Ronald Wilson Reagan was born.  Known as The Great Communicator, the 40th U.S. President was admired by both Democrats and Republicans alike for his wit and wisdom, humor and sincerity.  What made Ronald Reagan "The Great Communicator" are the same qualities which can allow you to communicate more effectively.  This could easily fill an entire study of its own, but I'd like to share briefly the most important qualities Ronald Reagan possessed that allowed him to communicate so effectively. Ronald Reagan usually had a simple message which he delivered in a clear and sincere manner.  His humility and authenticity allowed him to be seen as a real person who cared about people.  Regan had an incredible way of...

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Join me Tomorrow: When/How to Use Humor

July 22nd is Spoonerisms Day and July 24th is Tell an Old Joke Day. In celebration, let's talk about humor.  What's funny and what's not? How can we use humor without abusing others? Where d0 we draw the line? Have you ever made light of something only to find the other party didn't think it was funny?  Ever have someone make a joke at your expense?  Have you ever felt someone didn't take you seriously after injecting a little humor into your communication?  Well, tomorrow, I'm going to share some do's and don'ts and tips about humor. Join me for a half hour of fun as I help you navigate your way through the Funny Zone to discover what's funny...

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Comical Ads and Product Notices

Have you subscribed to Communication FUNdamentals’ RSS Feed?  Don’t miss a post! x Humor Week concludes today with our usual Friday Funnies...on steroids!  Sometimes humor results from an accident in advertising or the notices we find on the products we buy.  They have some element of humor, especially when translated into English as in this sign from Nokia.   The instructions and notices we find on products can be pretty funny.  You've seen all the warnings that can be hilarious, but here is one I actually found that tickled my funny bone.  We went to Red Lobster for Mother's Day, I brought home a "doggie bag" that had these surprising instructions.  While I was both surprised and elated that this...

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JoJoisms & Free Gift

Have you subscribed to Communication FUNdamentals’ RSS Feed?  Don’t miss a post! x It's Communication FUNdamentals Week and I hope you've been enjoying many giggles over the last few days.  Laughter is essential and not only to the learning process as we were discussion earlier, but to our health.  They say laughter is the best medicine.  You should have several doses per day! I love making people laugh.  I do it with my kids. In fact, my son has gotten so used to it that he often says, "Mommy, say something funny!"  No pressure or anything! ROFL Well, in case you haven't been reading my blog, my articles, my Facebook fan page, my newsletter or my studies, (shudder, the thought!)...

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