Art of Eloquence Blog — giggles RSS

Breaking Art of Eloquence News!

DATELINE ART OF ELOQUENCE!.....BREAKING NEWS! The new year is fast approaching and I have a lot of changes planned.  Here are the headlines: ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ 2013 Video Countdown to CHRISTmas ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ I know many of you look forward to my Video Countdown to CHRISTmas every year here on the Art of Eloquence blog.  I've been doing it for about four years now.  However, since starting my daily JoJoisms blog a few months back, I've decided to host the countdown on that blog instead.  It fits the theme better anyway and that blog is already daily where this one is weekly. The Video Countdown to CHRISTmas began, as usual, on December 1st and will end on December 25th.  Also you can subscribe...

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JoJoisms & Free Gift

Have you subscribed to Communication FUNdamentals’ RSS Feed?  Don’t miss a post! x It's Communication FUNdamentals Week and I hope you've been enjoying many giggles over the last few days.  Laughter is essential and not only to the learning process as we were discussion earlier, but to our health.  They say laughter is the best medicine.  You should have several doses per day! I love making people laugh.  I do it with my kids. In fact, my son has gotten so used to it that he often says, "Mommy, say something funny!"  No pressure or anything! ROFL Well, in case you haven't been reading my blog, my articles, my Facebook fan page, my newsletter or my studies, (shudder, the thought!)...

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JoJo's 10 Important Uses for SPAM to Enrich Your Life!

Ok...the old girl has gone off her rocker!  She's nutz!  Elvis has left the noggin!  Call the little men in white coats to come and take her away ha ha, hee hee, hoo hoo! I know I've complained about SPAM before...ENDLESSLY... but let me share with you some insights I have had that will increase your quality of life!  Why?  Because SPAM is here to stay.  It's not going anywhere and no matter how big your SPAM folder is or how many virtual padlocks you put on your email address, you will have to deal with SPAM.  So allow me to give you a different perspective that will enable you and your SPAM to live in relative peace with each...

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