Join me Tomorrow: When/How to Use Humor

You and I both use humor extensively in our communication. Have I ever used it inappropriately? I wish I could say NO, but my nose would be growing at an exponential rate! I have not only opened my big mouth and inserted my foot, but have bitten off my big toe. . . more than once. I try my best not to offend anyone, but it’s very difficult these days. Folks are so thin-skinned. Hey, if you can’t laugh at yourself, my not so humble opinion says you’ve got a real problem and your life is gonna be more difficult than it needs to be. Loosen up, people! At least some of it is supposed to be fun. :)
God is the only perfect communicator so we all stick our foot in our mouth at times. The thing is to understand certain concepts in order to help us reduce this and become more effective when we communicate. Using humor is tricky, but over the years, I have learned some things that help greatly increase our effectiveness. I’ll share them tomorrow.
Yes, yes and YES! My snarky sense of humor gets me into trouble ALL THE TIME! I try to hold it in – but honestly it’s so hard sometimes ;) Not everyone’s brand of humor is the same – but sometimes people are wound a little tight too. If you can’t laugh at yourself then there is a problem. Most of the world’s problems would be solved if people could just laugh at themselves and not take themselves so seriously.
Very true, Cindy!