Art of Eloquence Blog — God RSS

How do you know you're doing a good job?

At this time of year, along with our focus on turkey and stuffing, football and family; we also focus on giving thanks to God for all our blessings.  It's very important to focus on being thankful to God for what He  has provided in our lives as every good and precious thing comes from Him.  As a teacher of communication skills, I have often shared how we should also show appreciation to the people in our lives-our family and friends who mean so much and do so much to enrich our lives.  What I haven't focused on, as yet, is how we know when what we are doing is appreciated by others. Here's what I mean. Folks are busy making...

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On taking the 'God Parts' out

Art of Eloquence is fast approaching the completion of its eighth year in business this November.  It's been a very interesting ride so far.  I've learned a great deal about business, about myself and my faith. When I wrote my first study, Say What You Mean (for Teens), I really wasn't thinking of this as a business or even a ministry. It was simply an answer to a homeschool friend's need for a more comfortable way her shy daughter could learn to communicate more effectively.  It was important to me that the approach to overcoming shyness and strengthening communication skills be fun and reflect the teachings that are so prevalent in God's Word.  I have literally found HUNDREDS of scriptures...

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The Power of Words

For almost 8 years I've been talking about the incredible power of speech communication.  Words are powerful things. After all, God spoke the world into existence!  "God said let there be light and there was.  For years I've been telling you about the power of words and now I can show you just how powerful words can be... This sign demonstrates the unbelievable power of forbid least right there! LOL For more fun with communication, visit Art of!

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In the News: Why Communication is Important

So often I'm asked if communication skills are really that important for every day life.  I've developed a quote I'd like to put on every bumper sticker. "While you may manage to live your entire life without making a speech, you will not get through one day without communicating something to someone!" The past week, while I was posting about the National Words Matter Week contest, there were several news stories that came across my eDesk that illustrate the reasons behind why communication skills are not just needed for lawyers and politicians.  Here are two: An article from March 5, 2010 states Doctors urged to do more listening as complaints about care increase Among other things it states "Officials say...

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Praising God for time with my sister

I love pictures like this.  They just look like God's light shining down from Heaven reminding us of God's love. It's been a perfectly lovely weekend and I feel like this picture!  My sister and her family came out to visit us on Friday.  We really haven't seen them for about a year.  They helped us pack our house up in California and watched us leave as we drove to our new life in Arizona.  My sister and her husband did come out a few months go, but we only saw them for a few hours.  I drove the kids out to their hotel room, but their kids weren't there and my dh wasn't able to get off work then....

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