Art of Eloquence Blog — friendships RSS

Conversational ADD: What YOU Need to Know!

It’s one of the most pervasive and dangerous habits in America today and it's destroying your relationships! You see it all the time, but you probably never thought much about it. It's, unfortunately, at work in oral, face-to-face conversations and written exchanges over social media, text and email.  I call it Conversational ADD.  Here are a few examples:  Mary posts on Facebook asking for help for problem X only to have Jane give her solutions for problem B.  Jane didn't read Mary's entire post and assumed she knew what it was about. After the confusing exchange gets heated, Jane unfriend's Mary after six years of treasured friendship.  Tom emails a company to report some problems with his product (or service) and receives...

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Isn't it time to repair your relationship and resolve that conflict?

It's a new year and, like all new beginnings, it comes with an opportunity.  Each year, and each day for that matter, gives us an opportunity to renew old friendships, repair past hurts, and rekindle the love we once felt for our spouse. Is there a friend you haven't spoken to in a long time?  Was it just because you hadn't taken the time or is it due to a falling out?  The longer we are out of touch with someone, the more difficult it seems to take that first step toward renewal or repair of a distant or damaged relationship. Many people I talk to say they'd be willing to repair a relationship if only the other person would...

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Should your child be on FB? Part 1

Some say Facebook is a blessing allowing you easily to keep in touch with friends and family, meet like-minded people, help you find a job or even market your business.  Others say Facebook is a waste of time and, too easily, an invasion of your privacy.   I say Facebook is a tool, a communication tool, much like email, the cell phone and your mouth.  What you get out of it often depends upon your input, expectations and most of all, how you use it. But is it a good idea for your children?  In this article I’m going to share the benefits and drawbacks of allowing your children to have a Facebook account.  Due to the length of this article,...

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It's Friday Funnies time so get your giggle here! see more funnies Just remember that we often think our friendships are unbreakable and so we don't always take care when we speak.  Communication skills are vital in all our relationships because you can't have a relationship with someone without communicating.  And in this complicated world, MORE communication skill is needed now than ever before. x If you liked this post, make sure to subscribe to our RSS Feed so you don’t miss one and SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter: for even MORE communication fun, FREE gifts, Book of the Month Club and exclusive excerpts and offers we don’t share with ANYONE else but our subscribers! x

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Influence of Texting on Communication Skills

Communication FUNdamentals continues its celebration of Effective Communication Month!  Last week we looked at the history of communication technology.  Today, I'd like to talk about how that change in communication can affect the quality of our communication. The Influence of Texting on Effective Communication Skills By JoJo Tabares   “Nd U 2 gt rpt 2me by fri5. Bob” Can you imagine receiving this email from a high level manager at a major corporation?  What would you think of the company who sent this to you, their customer?  If you think this is a an exaggeration, guess again!    Many researchers believe that texting and email have contributed to the drastic decrease in effective communication skills of this generation.  In this...

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