Art of Eloquence Blog — Friday Funnies RSS

The 3 Vertically-Challenged, Pink Mammals w/a Reputation for Gluttony

Euphemisms and political correctness have permeated our language leaving our communication bereft of all meaning!  We are so concerned with not offending that we end up saying nothing of consequence and are beginning to sound like we are all speaking legalese!  Often we expend so much energy, not to mention verbiage, in order to make the simple almost  unintelligible: Once (but perhaps more times than I am aware of.  For I am not counting myself among the gurus on the subject) upon a time, there lived three vertically-challenged, pink mammals with a reputation for gluttony.  The first (though he was only first in order, not necessarily in preference) vertically-challenged, pink mammal with a reputation for gluttony made his warm seasonal...

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JoJo's 10 Important Uses for SPAM to Enrich Your Life!

Ok...the old girl has gone off her rocker!  She's nutz!  Elvis has left the noggin!  Call the little men in white coats to come and take her away ha ha, hee hee, hoo hoo! I know I've complained about SPAM before...ENDLESSLY... but let me share with you some insights I have had that will increase your quality of life!  Why?  Because SPAM is here to stay.  It's not going anywhere and no matter how big your SPAM folder is or how many virtual padlocks you put on your email address, you will have to deal with SPAM.  So allow me to give you a different perspective that will enable you and your SPAM to live in relative peace with each...

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Riddle Me This...Time!

. I scour YouTube for funny videos and keep all kinds of funny "miss steaks" so I can share them all with you each Friday for Friday Funnies.  Well, this week my son was reading a book and ran up to show me this line: "One week from the day before the day after the yesterday that comes three weeks before six months from six weeks from now minus 49 days plus five tomorrows and a next week." Just to have a little fun with language/communication...who can figure out this riddle...when would this be?  Post your answers here as a comment.  Show this to your smartie pants kidlings and see if they can figure it out. Another humor-filled Communication FUN...

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Words Matter Week: Friday Word Fun Entry!

Today is Day Five of the National Words Matter Week Contest!  In addition to posting  our blog link(s), today you have an additional way to enter and have fun with our contest! Today’s Extra Entry: Here are our extra entry rules for today, Friday, March 5th: Each Friday, here at Communication FUNdamentals, we feature a video or quote or picture that illustrates miscommunication with humor.  This week, I have a funny video for you. I'm always looking for family friendly communication humor.  Today's extra challenge for Words Matter Week is to find some fun illustration of miscommunication.  Send your family friendly video, picture, quote or audio links to  and please put “WMW Contest” in the subject linke.  Each of...

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