Art of Eloquence Blog — Friday Funnies RSS

First Ten JoJoisms

Some of you who are following me on Twitter or are friends with me on Facebook know that I've been posting, what I call JoJoisms for the past several weeks.  JoJoisms are my observations about life.  They use language in a fun way as to reveal life's sometimes hard truths in a humor-filled way.  Thought I'd post some of them here for Friday Funnies.  Here are the first ten. JoJoism #1 No matter how many bobby pins you own, you always need two more. JoJoism#2 Dusting is futile. Not dusting is…not so good either! JoJoism#3 Ironing isn’t futile.  It’s an arm exercise. JoJoism#4 Insomnia is God’s way of allowing you to get more done in a day. JoJoism#5 Trying to...

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I Got a Pea: A Video of Miscommunication...& Vegetables!

I found Songdrops while tooling around on YouTube one day.  They have some adorable videos and this one has to do with language.  Sometimes we say things which are grammatically or otherwise correct, but they are not the most clear way to communicate-thus causing miscommunication or, as in this case, hysterics. On this Friday Funnies, I present to you, "I Got a Pea." For more Communication FUNdamentals, visit Art of!

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Fri Funnies: Political Double Speak!

For your Friday Funny viewing pleasure this week, I bring you "The Front Fell Off."  This is a mock interview of an Australian official regarding an oil spill.  My hats off to these guys.  Very funny!  I now bring you the completely ridiculous politician's double speak. Brought to you by the folks at Art of Eloquence: the FUN place to learn effective communication skills!

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