Art of Eloquence Blog — Ethel the Editor RSS

Where were you the summer of 1969?

My cohost Carla Ives AKA Ethel the Editor, asked a question on her blog today.  Thought I'd ask you all as well.  If you were old enough like me (or if you studied this period in history), what were the first words spoken on the moon?  You can answer by posting here or go to her blog and answer there.  Also Carla has some interesting news on a new Pro Life ad coming out.  Go check it out!

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Help! Ethel the Editor took over my blog!

WORDY WEDNESDAY Help!  Ethel the Editor not only took over Carla's blog today, she hijacked mine, to boot!  The only problem is our dear Ethel only left me the words and NOT the answers.  To find out the meaning of these words, follow Ethel's blackmail note below:  It mysteriously appeared on my blog sometime in the middle of the night!. TO:  JoJo FROM:  Ethel the Editor SUBJECT:  Wordy Wednesday Sorry, JoJo, but your blog is mine today.  bwahahaha!!!  And get this. . . so is Carla's.  I'm gonna stump your readers today.  How?  With E-words!!!  You write e-books, you and Carla send way too many e-mails, you send out an e-newsletter and the best thing. . . Ethel starts with...

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I Love Language

I Love Language By Lucy Linguist and Ethel the Editor Lucy and Ethel loved language and so they decided to teach on a humorous show how to say what you mean and mean what you say and edit your words in an eloquent way! Good communication: bless those around you and a word aptly written never fails too so come one and come all from near and from far and learn what great language lovers we are! Join Lucy and Ethel each Thursday morning For “I Love Language” and gracious warnings Then you can say as success builds in thee I love language and now it loves me! Grace Talk Soup airs each Thursday 8am PST/11am EST Here:

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Ms Pac Man on this week's Friday Funnies!

If you've listened in to Grace Talk Soup in the last few weeks, you'll know that my co host, editor and dear friend, Carla Ives, is going through a tough time right now.  Her husband was diagnosed with cancer and it's already been a long haul for her family.  Ray, just went in for a proceedure that will tell them how far the cancer has spread and then they will be deciding on a treatment. Carla has a fabulous sense of humor and a very active imagination.  She wrote one hilarious blog post about her feelings and I thought it would make a perfect Friday Funny for Communication FUNdamentals.  It is hysterical but it is also a testament to how...

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Dr. Seuss Meets Lucy and Ethel

In honor of our guests tomorrow who wrote an enormously funny and poignant Dr. Seuss like poem about the CPSIA law we will be discussing, Ethel and I wrote a poem about our new segment, "I Love Language" on Grace Talk Soup.  Here is only an excerpt. You'll have to tune in tomorrow to hear the rest!  But you'll really want to hear their poem and why this law is so confusing and dangerous. Lucy and Ethel loved language and so they decided to teach on a humorous show how to say what you mean and mean what you say and edit your words in an eloquent way! WANT MORE?  Stay tuned to... Grace Talk Soup's new segment "I Love...

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