Help! Ethel the Editor took over my blog!
UH-OH. . . she got you, too, eh? Come on over to my place and see what she did there.
Just you wait, Ethel! I’m plotting my revenge as I write this. And I can promise you one thing. . . it’s gonna be GOOD! {{{WEG}}} Think you can just beat up on us like this and get away with it? You’re just an epigone, Ethel. :) AND. . . just you wait!!! Carla may be old, but she’s not quite out of tricks yet. . . :)
Oh no…Ethel got Carla all riled up! This could be fun!!! ROFL Ethel’s good though, isn’t she?
Now I have to find out what these words mean too!
I just left my sentence on Carla’s blog! Those are some great words – never heard any of them before.
Well, I thought I knew what the meanings of at least two of the words but winds up I only know one of them… expunge, as to expunge a court record.
I can’t think of a reason to use the other words unless I was creating a binding contract in very small print. (lol)