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How to Contact Someone

How to Contact Someone By JoJo Tabares   This issue came up the other day and I thought it would make a good post.  I have written on this before, but it wasn’t the focus of the article and I can’t seem to find it amongst the many I’ve written (that have yet to be posted on the AOE website) anyway.  Lol If you have ever had a situation come up in which you wanted to contact someone to address an issue, find out more information or thank them for all their hard work on something, you may have run into trouble obtaining an email address.  It is surprisingly easy in the Information Age and here are a few suggestions: 1....

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Word of the Week: sesquipedalian

sesquipedalian \ses-kwuh-puh-DAYL-yuhn\ (adjective) - 1 : Given to or characterized by the use of long words. 2 : Long and ponderous; having many syllables. (noun) - A long word. "Because my father was a professor, I early picked up a sesquipedalian way of speaking." -- Damon Knight, 'A Science Fiction Argosy' Sesquipedalian comes from Latin sesquipedalis, "a foot and a half long, hence inordinately long," from sesqui, "one half more, half as much again" + pes, ped-, "a foot." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is it always desirable to use large, complicated, obscure or technical terms?  While having a large vocabulary is important for good communication, it isn't always effective to use.  Here are a list of circumstances in which it is NOT effective...

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Breast Cancer AWAREness?

Every year around this time, I receive an inordinate number of private messages from Facebook friends about Breast Cancer Awareness.  So many apparently see this as a fun way to promote a worthy cause, the elimination of breast cancer which affects many women, so why do I have such a problem with it? 1. It does NOT promote awareness. A few years ago I was asked to post the color of my bra.  Another year I was asked to post where I like to keep my purse.  This year I was asked to post a tiny heart symbol.  You are ONLY supposed to post the answer, but not explain what it means--even when someone asks. Most people have no idea it has anything...

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Communication Skills in the News: Newt Gingrich

Last week I highlighted Herman Cain's speech directly answering the questions about the unfounded allegations of sexual misconduct.  While I admire the skills of Herman Cain as a speaker, Newt Gingrich is an excellent debater. Gingrich's vast experience and historical knowledge serves him well, but his ability to share that knowledge in a way that gets directly to the heart of the matter is simply masterful. x Gingrich Lectures combative debate moderator on rules of war  Newt Gingrich also has some baggage to overcome during the coming election, but his ability to speak directly and hold his own when asked the difficult and the "Gotcha" questions is far above any of the other Rebuplican candidates. If you liked this article, please subscribe to our...

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Occupy Wall Street: Effective Use of Freedom of Speech?

Occupy Wall Street:  Effective Use of Freedom of Speech? By JoJo Tabares I have to admit that, for the longest time, I really didn't understand this movement.  I remember when it first came to my attention, I began searching the internet to see what they were about.  The media equated them with the Tea Party, others  denounced them as an unruly mob, but I couldn't seem to get a handle on what they believed or their mission.  Never one to report on an issue I simply didn't understand or take one man's opinion as Gospel, I simply didn't comment. After some research and watching the effect on the cities they occupy, I have come to a number of conclusions I'd like to share at...

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