Art of Eloquence Blog — Gospel RSS

Give Christ a CHRISTmas gift this year!

This CHRISTmas, why not give Jesus a gift?  Something He has asked of us.  Something that adds to the kingdom of God.  This CHRISTmas, give Him the gift of boldly, graciously, and effectively sharing the Gospel with others. If we are commanded to share the Gospel, why is it that so many Christians don't? 1. They don't know what to say. 2. They don't know how to say it. 3. They are afraid they won't be able to handle the consequences. 4. Or they are too bold or lacking in grace when they share bringing about unintentional consequences for both the one sharing and the one who is being ministered to.  But it doesn't have to be this way! Art...

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Resolve to Share the Gospel

Another kind of conflict we sometimes have is when we are sharing or defending our faith.  The Bible says that God commands us to share the good news, yet so many of us are afraid or unprepared to do so.  In today's society where the last acceptable prejudice is Christianity (where Bibles are not allowed in school and announcements of Bible studies are prohibited in the workplace), there is even more reason to be uncomfortable when sharing your faith. However, this is exactly why I wrote Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith.  This study goes through the common questions and misunderstandings non Christians have about God and teaches you not only what you can say, but how to say...

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Art of Eloquence Facebook Party-November

Last week I had the honor of co hosting a 15 minute segment of the Homemaking 911 Facebook party on Thursday night.  I have seen postings for Facebook parties in the past several months and had considered it as an alternative to having our regular audio party on TalkShoe, but I had never been to one until last week. It was such fun! So now we have decided to put on our very own Facebook party in order to celebrate Art of Eloquence's 9th Anniversary in November.  Since Art of Eloquence uses humor to teach communication skills, we'd like to bring in some people who use humor in their business or ministry.  In order to make the most of this...

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