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How do you know you're doing a good job?

At this time of year, along with our focus on turkey and stuffing, football and family; we also focus on giving thanks to God for all our blessings.  It's very important to focus on being thankful to God for what He  has provided in our lives as every good and precious thing comes from Him.  As a teacher of communication skills, I have often shared how we should also show appreciation to the people in our lives-our family and friends who mean so much and do so much to enrich our lives.  What I haven't focused on, as yet, is how we know when what we are doing is appreciated by others. Here's what I mean. Folks are busy making...

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Ten Terrific Tips for a Less Trying Tongue

"Be not careless in deeds, nor confused in words, nor rambling in thought." -Marcus Aelius Aurelius When we communicate in a confusing way we create uncertainty, hesitation, misunderstanding and offense.  What follows can be hurt feelings, anger and even a dissolution of relationships.  However, being more clear and precise in our speech just takes a little training.  Here are just a few very simple tips for speaking more clearly. In other words...Ten Terrific Tips for a less Trying Tongue. 1. Put Yourself in Your Audience's Shoes Trust me.  They won't mind sharing!  Think about the people to whom you are speaking.  What would they expect?  What might they already know about what you are about to share?  What might they...

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What kind of confusion is most frustrating to YOU?

When communication is confusing, it becomes a frustrating task to engage in.  Now...some things are more frustrating for some than for others. I get all discombobulated if someone gives me unclear directions.  I can't tell which way is north and I can't figure out how one area fits in right next to another.  I usually tell people that I was born without the direction gene and get lost backing out of my own driveway.  Give me a set of directions where you don't make it clear that I shouldn't mistake Porcupine Street for Porcupine Lane and you might as well tell me to pack a lunch, because I'm going to be a while! Now my husband is, as they say,...

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Perceptions: What is spam to you?

Last week I received a message from someone on one of my social networking sites.  It sparked a candid conversation that got me thinking about perceptions. The message came from someone I didn't know who was not connected with me on this networking site.  There was no note of introduction, nor was she trying to befriend me or connect with me on this site.  Her message was an ad for her product.  Now, I have had people send me things like this before.  I usually send them a polite reply advising them to be careful because people get upset about spam and the networking sites have a link in place for people to click if they feel you have spammed...

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Nostalgia Week: Ten Quick Rules for Disagreeing in Grace

It's Nostalgia Week here on Communication FUNdamentals.   Art of Eloquence will be eight years old in just a few days.  Looking back at how I started out, I began reminiscing about the "Good Old Days." Remember when manners were in style?  When parents taught us that if we didn't have anything nice to say, we shouldn't say anything at all?  Remember when saying "please" and "thank you" was not just nice, but customary?  Remember when strangers were kind and we could...disagree in grace? 10 Quick Rules for Disagreeing in Grace By JoJo Tabares So how should we object?  What's the best way to disagree?  How can we voice our opposition when someone presents us with something that goes against what...

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