I have been blogging about the Child Protection Safety Initiative Act for a few months now. It went into effect under cover of darkness and was supposedly designed to protect our children from lead poisoning which was a real concern born out of the state of toy making in China. It blossomed as UNTHINKING legislators threw law together with the intent only to make themselves look like they were actually doing something about the problem. However, instead of requiring testing from toys coming from China or other foreign countries, the law requires every product manufactured for children 12 and under to go through rigorous and expensive testing in order to be compliant. This included things that were never known to...
My folks just got back from a trip to California to visit my brother and his wife. They are having their second child. My mom was the perfect doting grandma telling me all about my niece and how smart she is. They brought back pictures and oh is she adorable too! It had me thinking back to the things my kids did at that same age and my mom and I began talking about the adorable things my son used to do. Both my kids are gifted. Gifted kids are precious, but they can also be difficult to parent at times. It’s tough to be the one in charge when your kids think they know more than you…especially if they...
The Twelve Days of Marketing
For the next 12 days, my good friend Laurie Neumann from Christian Home Business Connection will be sharing tips and ideas from a resource she read, “Getting Business to Come to You” by Paul and Sarah Edwards. It has also been called “Marketing for Introverts”.
A business communication MUST READ!
This was in my inbox the other day: In a public speaking class, student, Jonathan Lopez shared his beliefs on faith and marriage which was within the parameters of the assignment. After reading the definition of marriage from the dictionary, Professor John Matteson of Los Angeles Community College called him a 'fascist [expletive]' and told the class that anyone who was offended could leave the classroom. When nobody left, Professor Matteson dismissed the class so as not to allow the Christian student to continue his speech. "You just cannot shut down student speech like that," states French, who explains that Lopez was well within the confines of his professor's assignment, and that the professor's actions not only constitute viewpoint discrimination...
Question of the Week This is a new segment for my blog and I ask you to help me out by adding your comments and posting them on your blog as well. I have been doing a "Question of the Week" on my homeschool Yahoo group for a few years now. It's been a fun way to discuss issues and share ideas as well as get to know each other better. How it Works: Each Monday I'll ask a thought provoking question about life. Pose the same question to your blog readers on your own blog along with your answer to the question. Then come back here and post a comment with a link to your blog post so we...