Art of Eloquence Blog — Video RSS

Words Matter Week: Friday Word Fun Entry!

Today is Day Five of the National Words Matter Week Contest!  In addition to posting  our blog link(s), today you have an additional way to enter and have fun with our contest! Today’s Extra Entry: Here are our extra entry rules for today, Friday, March 5th: Each Friday, here at Communication FUNdamentals, we feature a video or quote or picture that illustrates miscommunication with humor.  This week, I have a funny video for you. I'm always looking for family friendly communication humor.  Today's extra challenge for Words Matter Week is to find some fun illustration of miscommunication.  Send your family friendly video, picture, quote or audio links to  and please put “WMW Contest” in the subject linke.  Each of...

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Musical Phonetic Punctuation

Victor Borge was a fabulously funny man and a talented pianist.  I've posted his bit "Phonetic Punctuation" before here on Communication FUNdamentals, but I just found this related video with Dean Martin. The two do "Musical Phonetic Punctuation" where they punctuate the phrases of the following songs.  At least Dean Martin tries.  Victor Borge is so funny, Dean Martin has a hard time keeping a straight face!  Enjoy! More Friday fun with communication from your friends at Art of!

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