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Did you really want to DO that on Facebook?

A while back, I posted, Did you really want to say THAT on Facebook? so when an obscure Facebook "friend" posted this on my wall, the idea for Did you really want to DO that on Facebook? was birthed. It happens occasionally on Facebook.  I call it the I've Got a Christian Cause so the Ends Justifies the Means Disease.  This is where people send you a friend request and then never interact with you.  They never reply to or "like" any of your posts, never answer when you post on theirs, never post on your wall UNTIL...they begin asking for help with their ministry/business. I don't mind if, once in a while, one of my Facebook friends lets me know...

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Grace Talk Soup is our weekly podcast where my co host and I share tips and techniques for more effective communication in various situations life brings us.  Carla and I a serving up God's Word with side order of Grace and Humor each Thursday morning at 8am PST/11am EST.  Our live show has some great fun as the audience participates in much of the show!  Grace Talk Soup also receives HUNDREDS of downloads of our past archived shows a month! Just in the last few months we have talked about subjects such as Defending the Faith, 21 Days to More Godly Communication, Cultural Differences in Communication and How to Talk to Someone Who is Grieving!  And the feedback has been...

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