Art of Eloquence Blog — Video RSS

Via Dolorosa

These are scenes from Passion of the Christ with Via Dolorosa playing in the background. Precious video and song but more precious still is the fact that Jesus did this for us. Via Dolorosa means the way of suffering... Shouldn't we tell someone? If you don't know how to share the Gospel or what to say, please check out Say What You Mean Defending the Faith: ebook and online classes available.

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How not to explain MATH!

I have two Friday Funny videos for you this week!  I saw this first one when it was posted on Twitter.  It explains a very simple math problem that they say explains the Bail Out! ROFL This next one is Bud Abbott and Lou Costello in a similar math explanation but in the old Abbott and Costello style.  Note the last frame where Lou hangs his hat on the chalk board.  ;D Learning speech communication skills can ALSO be fun with Art of!

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