Art of Eloquence Blog — liar RSS

Big Whopper Liar Day

Today is Big Whopper Liar Day.  Do they really need a day in which to celebrate lies?  Is deception something we should aspire to?  I don't think so. One of my pet peeves is glorifying destructive ideas and terms. This is one of the reasons I am so against practical jokes.  I know some say it's all in good fun, but I've seen too many practical jokes gone bad with some gruesome or devastating consequences. Why does society glorify deception?  Sometimes people respect the skill required to pull off a practical joke.  Other times it's the ability to get out of a sticky situation. In some cases, they are called little white lies.  In others, they are called fibs.  Most...

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Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

Liar, Liar Pants on Fire! I hope nobody reading this is making a practice of lying to their customers, but I have seen spam come through with subject lines like..."Knew you would appreciate this site!" and "How are you?"  Anyone who knows me knows that I most certainly wouldn't appreciate a website that sells pornography so when I open an email to find this website link, I am a little miffed to say the least! This is an extreme example, but I have also seen subject lines that have nothing whatsoever to do with what they are selling. Most people find it offensive to open an email entitled..."re: your inquiry" only to find an ad for something that they had...

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