On Monday, I shared all our updated sample lessons/excerpts. Today I'd like to unveil our brand NEW samples. These are samples that we've never had before. I hope you enjoy a peek into the world of Art of Eloquence communication studies. Please pass this link along to those who may be struggling with one of these issues or would like to enhance their lives by learning to master them. NOTE: Each link here takes you to the product page where you'll find the sample or excerpt link toward the bottom of that page. Say What You Mean Every Day The Play Book Say What You Mean: The Language of Leadership 21 Days to More Godly Communication Say What You...
Leadership is another one of those everyday things that require communication skills. Leadership isn't just about making speeches, but about gaining acceptance of your ideas. Leadership is all the buzz right now, but leadership is so much more than power or charisma. Leadership, Godly Leadership, true leadership, is so much more than that! Leadership requires us to step out of our shyness. Leadership requires us to speak in a godly way according to the Word. Leadership requires us to communicate our vision and that we are someone worth following. Leadership Insights: "Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it." -Dwight Eisenhower "The best executive is the one who has sense...
How did you all do last week with your impromptu speech? What topic did you choose? Please share your experience! This is the last week of the challenge and we are going to step it up one more time. But I know you are all up to it! This week, I want you to put what you learned this month together and give an impromptu speech on one of the fun topics listed below. This time also watch that you are loud enough for those in the back of the room to hear you and that you aren’t rushing through your speech. Maintain good eye contact with your audience and have fun with your topic! Show your personality! Suggested Topics:...
Weasel Words are a dead give away that you are nervous or not sure of yourself. Weasel Words and phrases exhaust you and suck all the power out of your communication. They zap your leadership, curtail your effectiveness and destroy your credibility. So what are Weasel Words? What's wrong with this picture? FRED: "Ok people, settle down now. Shhhh... Ok. I'm gonna go ahead and ask that you all quiet down so we can get some work done here. I know you are all anxious about our trip, but I'm gonna ask that you all focus now. Rehearsals start at 6pm and I'd like to ask that each one of you respects, you know, everyone's time...well, my time... I'm gonna...
For the next few weeks, I'm going to post a series of articles answering the typical questions homeschoolers are asked. Each Monday, I'll post answers to questions about socialization, college prep, and extra curricular events. I'll also deal with how to handle things when your children are grilled by folks who wonder, (as one anti homeschooler put it) "Does she KNOW anything?" I've been homeschooling for over ten years. I have taught every grade level and even graduated one student who went on to an elite university. My children and I have been asked every homeschooling question in the book, but this week I'm going to begin at the beginning. Why? Why do you homeschool? Why did you decide...