Art of Eloquence Blog — Family RSS

Interview with a Communicator

 Effective communication skills are important for everyone every day.  Interview with a Communicator is a column I used to have here on Art of Eloquence many years ago to share how that works in the lives of different people around the world.  Here is a recent interview I did with a Facebook friend, Tanya Art.  Tanya leads a support group on Facebook she started three years ago. She encourages others, like herself, who deal with Fibromyalgia.  She is an encouragement to others she calls Fibro Warriors.  I find that most people think of communication only in terms of formal speech and debate so I asked Tanya what role does speech and debate play in her everyday life.  I don't do a...

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Share your family's made up words

Wednesdays are usually the times when I share an obscure word or a deeper meaning of a commonly used word.  Since we've been celebrating Dr. Seuss this week, I thought I'd ask you all to share your own favorite made up words/terms this Word of the Week. Dr. Seuss made up silly, nonsense words and terms for his books.  It's what made his books so much fun.  Some made up words eventually find their way into the dictionary.  Many of the words we commonly use today were made up by a man named William Shakespeare. My family has made up words and terms.  My daughter and son made up the word "nork," a combination of the word nerd and dork which they affectionately use...

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Merry CHRISTmas!

I love this song!  I share it with you on CHRISTmas because CHRISTmas isn't about Santa or family or presents, but it's also not just about baby Jesus or the wise men or the manger.  It's about our sin, it's about God's love, it's about the blood that Jesus shed for us. But more than this, the beginning of the story, it's about the cross.  It's the ending to the story on Resurrection Sunday that saves us. CHRISTmas is only the beginning of Jesus' story.  He wasn't just born for us, but He lived with us and died for us.  That's the love of our Lord and Savoir. x I pray you have had a blessed time this past month leading up to this day. Merry CHRISTmas from all of...

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Birthday Bash: 4:30pm-Linda Alexander

Linda Alexander will be sharing on the Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page this Birthday Bash half hour.  Here is what she is offering as a prize for this half hour’s contest: The UNPromised Land Because of their faith in Yeshua: They were betrayed by their family Rejected by Israeli Immigration Tormented by unending court trials Reported on by major international news media (Time, Newsweek, CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post) Gary and Shirley Beresford never wanted to be heroes. A middle-aged Messianic Jewish couple from South Africa, they felt God calling them to live in Israel, the Promised Land. Wanting nothing more than to live quietly and grow old together in the country of refuge for all...

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