- They were betrayed by their family
- Rejected by Israeli Immigration
- Tormented by unending court trials
- Reported on by major international news media (Time, Newsweek, CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post)
My fave faith study will ALWAYS be. . . Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith!
My issue: “I really should comment on that post, but I might be attacked if I do and I woudln’t know how to handle that.” I back off way too much. UGH
Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith
Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith
I’m afraid my teen will graduate and fall away from the faith. So many studies show that many Christain college students will say they are no longer born again before they graduate.
Family Pack
I really should comment on that post, but I might be attacked if I do and I woudln’t know how to handle that.
One of the issues: I’m afraid my teen will graduate and fall away from the faith. So many studies show that many Christain college students will say they are no longer born again before they graduate