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Birthday Bash: 9am-Phyllis Sather

(DISCLAIMER: Communication FUNdamentals, our blog, normally only posts three times a week (MWF) but today we are having a new post/contest each half hour of the Birthday Bash.) Phyllis Sather will be sharing on the Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page this Birthday Bash half hour.  Here is what she is offering as a prize for this half hour’s contest: The Purposeful Planning Bundle Includes ebook, handbook, and MP3! “Is there really enough time to do  all that God requires of you?” ( Charles Hummel) Purposeful Planning will help you get the results you want. ($17.95 Value) x  To win this prize, you will need to post a comment to this blog post answering this question:  Name two of your...

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Should Your Child Have a Blog? Part 1

For the last two weeks, I've been talking about the pitfalls and blessings of having your child on Facebook.  This week, I'd like to focus on a slightly different communication venue.  Should your child have a blog?  Just as there are both blessings and dangers with Facebook, there are slightly different blessings and dangers with a blog.  This week, I'm going to focus on the positive aspects and next week I'll focus on the negative ones.  Here we go... 1. Typing skills.  While you may only post a limited amount of characters on a Facebook post, a blog gives your child the ability to type as long as he or she would like.  This allows your child to practice a...

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Part 2: Should Your Child Be on Facebook?

Last week I shared part one of Should Your Child Be on Facebook?  I shared the benefits of allowing your older child to have a Facebook account.  I'll bet there were some things that surprised you, weren't there?  Well, this week, I might surprise you again when I share the drawbacks and even the dangers of having your child on Facebook. One big Facebook No No is if your child is under age.  Don’t start too young.  Facebook rules say you have to be 13 to create an account.  The only way around this is if you lie.  I've met some parents--even Christian parents--who tell me they allow their 11 year old children to misrepresent their age to Facebook in...

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JoJoisms Now Available as T-Shirts!

We interrupt this Friday to bring you a new kind of Friday Funny! Extra, Extra!  Read all about it!  You asked for it; you got it!  No not Toyota, but JoJoism T-Shirts! Last week, I posted one of my JoJoisms on the Art of Eloquence Facebook fan page and got this response, "I'd love to have that on a t-shirt!"  Several said they' d like to see it too they are! As far as I can tell, you have the option to order these in any size, color and style of t-shirt you like!  So, just because you don't see your favorite JoJoism in a color or style you like, doesn't mean you can't get it that way!  ...

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Should your child be on FB? Part 1

Some say Facebook is a blessing allowing you easily to keep in touch with friends and family, meet like-minded people, help you find a job or even market your business.  Others say Facebook is a waste of time and, too easily, an invasion of your privacy.   I say Facebook is a tool, a communication tool, much like email, the cell phone and your mouth.  What you get out of it often depends upon your input, expectations and most of all, how you use it. But is it a good idea for your children?  In this article I’m going to share the benefits and drawbacks of allowing your children to have a Facebook account.  Due to the length of this article,...

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