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14 Years

Black Friday Sale: 70% OFF THE ENTIRE STORE!    ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~  Art of Eloquence opened its virtual doors on 11/01/02 (14 yrs ago!)     ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~  Special NOTE: Art of Eloquence had intended to host a 14 day sale of various titles to bring you the lowest prices possible in celebration of our 14th year in business.  However, JoJo's surgery has been more of a challenge for her than any of us had imagined.  She fully expected to feel up to working at the computer two weeks after her hysterectomy.  Unfortunately, she's been feeling exhaustion and was in too much pain to sit at the computer the last few weeks so our 14 day sales event was derailed at about ten...

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Say What You Mean for Teens is now only $7!

Art of Eloquence announced today that it will be lowering the price of their introductory product, Say What You Mean for Teens, to only $7.  The company plans to make this product available as an introductory offer so that customers can test get a good solid foundation in general communication skills before delving into the typical and most popular speech and debate curricula.   Founder, JoJo Tabares, says, "Most people are too quick to jump into speech and debate but neglect to teach the more foundational general communication techniques that are built upon in our speech and debate curricula.  While we do give a brief overview of these techniques in the beginning of our speech study, I wanted to make sure...

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AoE Newsletters to Include Critiques

It has been announced that the Art of Eloquence newsletter will include a segment called Critic's Corner where, Founder and Owner, JoJo Tabares will critique a video, political article, or other communication in order to point out valuable communication information and tips that readers may use to more carefully craft their own communication.    This is information she will only share with Art of Eloquence newsletter subscribers so customers and visitors will need to subscribe to the newsletter in order to gain access.   The newsletter is more of a mailing list though because it will not be delivered on a regular basis (ie: weekly or monthly).  It will only be released when the Art of Eloquence staff has something...

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AoE Newsletter is Back!

The Art of Eloquence was offered weekly for many years, but due to the health issues of its founder, JoJo Tabares, the newsletter was discontinued for several years.  JoJo has announced that it will be back, but only on an "as needed" basis.  Instead of offering a weekly or monthly scheduled mailing, she will be posting an Ask JoJo segment in which she will answer reader's communication questions once a month on the company's blog.  The newsletter will be reserved for reaching out to past customers and readers to share only those timely tips, news, special offers, and free gifts when they are available.   The company promises not to sell or give away their subscribers emails and will be...

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New Blog Segment: Ask JoJo

Ask JoJo is a segment Art of Eloquence used to have on their blog and newsletter as well as their Facebook fan page.  However, they are bringing it back so that JoJo Tabares, the owner behind the 14 year old company, may answer customer's questions.  It will only be available on their blog so she asks that her customers subscribe to the blog in order to benefit from the answers she provides. She also invites customers to post comments on the blog posts to ask their own questions so that she may choose one or a few from that month's post to answer the next month.  She asks,"What communication issue are you or your family struggling with most right now?...

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