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JoJo's Communication Sayings

Happy Wednesday everyone!  I've been blogging for several years now and since I switched my blog over to Word Press, I've been going back to my old blog and trying to bring some of my more insightful posts on communication over here bit by bit.  To my surprise, I found quite a lot of posts worthy of being brought over here to the new improved Communication FUNdamentals.  Color me SURPRISED.  I guess one of he hazards of being a writer is that you always think your earlier work isn't worthy.  Either that or my current articles aren't much better! I don't know. LOL In either case, what I found while sifting through my old articles is a comphilation of several...

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Enter our contest for a chance to win!

Did you enter our contest yet this week?  It's easy!  Just leave us a comment on the Grace Talk Soup podcast site with your comments, feedback or suggestions (topics you want to see covered on future shows) and we will be picking one at random this week prior to Thursday's show to be our winner! How to enter: Scroll down to where the talk bubbles are to rate the show and underneath where it says "Write a full comment?"  Click there to leave your feedback or show topic suggestion. How to see if you are a winner: Listen to the show on Thursday to hear if your name is called and how to claim your prize!  Our winner will have...

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Who are you?

How it works: Each Monday I ask a thought provoking question about life.  Pose the same question to your blog readers on your own blog along with your answer to the question.  Then come back here and post a comment with a link to your blog post so we can all read everyone’s answers!  It’s been a lot of fun getting to know my readers and their readers and so on and so on… This week’s question: Who are you? JoJo’s Answer: This is a question you will hear in various forms throughout your life.  It's probably a good question to ponder and to find a wiz-bang answer to so let's take this opportunity.  And as we do, let's get...

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Spirit of Fear

Spirit of Fear By JoJo Tabares "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." -2 Timothy 1:7 KJV Fear in speaking with others is timidity or what we call shyness.  According to Webster's dictionary, shyness means "sensitive and hesitant in dealing with others".  This is not the spirit of power that should be present inside the Christian for we know that with the Lord all things are possible and, if the Lord is for us, who can be against us? Research shows that 87% of what we do all day is communication related.  Maybe that is why the Bible speaks about communication skills hundreds of times.  The...

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