The 5th Annual Video Countdown to CHRISTmas here at Communication FUNdamentals starts today. Music video is a powerful form of communication. We can use it to worship, to express ourselves and to share the love of God. My goal, again, this CHRISTmas is to help put Christ back in our CHRISTmas by sharing 25 of my most favorite CHRISTmas songs with you. This first one is a new one I discovered called Where's the Line to See Jesus? It shares my feeling, and that of many other Christians today, that our society has commercialized this blessed holiday to the point were we don't even know what it's all about anymore. Though there are many Christmas movies during this holiday season, there are precious few CHRISTmas movies. Most of the movies these...
Always a favorite here on the countdown is Celtic Woman's Silent Night.
Music is a powerful form of communication. It uses several of your senses and it's fun. For more information on fun ways to learn communication skills for preschoolers through adults, visit Art of!
It's a tradition here at Communication FUNdamentals that we have a video countdown to CHRISTmas! Folks find the most insprirational, creative and fun ways to communicate their love for the Lord and their CHRISTmas Spirit. I find their videos to share with you each year. Some will be old favorites and some will be new. All will communicate the reason for the season in a fun and creative way.
The first in the countdown is Jars of Clay's version of Little Drummer Boy! This is my favorite version of this song but unfortunately, there isn't much "video" to look at. Enjoy the song!
Merry CHRISTmas from your friends at Art of