Art of Eloquence Blog — Twitter RSS

Poor Article on Poor Communication Skills

I came across a link to an article about poor communication skills this past weekend which both confused and amused me.  As a student of communication and an author of various studies on the subject, the title intrigued me: "Communication Skills Worsening."   However, the article (and I am really not sure this qualifies as an article.  It looks more like a blog post.) was not very well written or documented. The article reported that the number of children starting school in New Jersey with poor communication skills was rising and that one reason for this was that families "spend less time doing things together out of doors."   It went on to say that the Department of Education, Sport and Culture...

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How to Win Facebook Friends & Influence Tweeple

How to Win Facebook Friends and Influence Tweeple By JoJo Tabares Ever wonder why some don’t work and play well with others on Facebook and Twitter?  Social media is like a virtual party where almost the same rules apply as they do in a face-to-face communication.  But many people mistakenly think that, since it's online, it's ok to bend those social rules for social media.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Here are some do's and don'ts...ok here are the don'ts!  If you do the opposite, there are your do's.  ;D 1. Don’t expect everyone to come to you. If you build it, they will not necessarily come.  Just like you cannot put up a website and expect a...

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Twitter Church

I have a standing joke with my kidlings who used to ask for stories all the time. Sometimes I was in a hurry for the story to be over so I'd make up stories that were really short.  One day I began to tell the world's shortest story.  I goes like this: Once upon a time...The end! I got to thinking about Twitter this week and how we strive to communicate succinctly.  Since it's Defending the Faith SONday today I thought I'd try to do the same thing with Twitter's 140 character rule. Here's the Old Testament in 140 Characters or less: GenExLev#DeutJoshJudgeRuthSamsKingsChronsEzNehEsthrJobPsalmsProv EccSolIsJerLamEzekDanHoseaJoelAmosObJonahMicHahHabZephHagZechMal Here's the New Testament in 140 Characters or less: MathMarkLukeJohnActsRom1Cor2CorGalEphPhilColThes1Tim2TimTitus PhilippiansHebJames1Pete2Pete1John2John3JohnJudeRev Have a blessed SONday from...

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