Art of Eloquence Blog — movies RSS

Merry CHRISTmas from Art of Eloquence!

It's CHRISTmas Eve--a time for reflection, family and praise for Christ.  Since The Year of Faith over on my newsletter is just around the corner.  (Be sure to subscribe to this blog for in 2014, I'll be back with a weekly column to educate and amaze!)   I'm taking these last few weeks of 2013 to share some praise and worship with you. This video touches on one of my pet peeves about CHRISTmas time.  There is very little Christ in CHRISTmas anymore.  Most of the Christmas movies talk about it being all about family and love.  A nice concept to be sure, but certainly not the focus of CHRISTmas.  Some of the Christmas movie line up doesn't even talk about...

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Movie Pictionary Quiz

Creative forms of communication can be entertaining, but they can also educate us, inform us, help us develop our powers of observation and sharpen our skills.  This week's Friday Funny is a creative quiz designed to help sharpen our minds, think critically and develop active listening skills.  However, if you have fun while spending time here at Communication FUNdamentals on Friday Funnies Day, so be it! Can you name these famous movies? ================================================================================ 1. ================================================================================ 2. ================================================================================ 3. ================================================================================ 4. ================================================================================ 5. ================================================================================ 6. ================================================================================ The more quickly you are able to make connections, the more easily you will be able to search your mind for examples to illustrate your point in conversation.  Keep your mind agile and get used...

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