Art of Eloquence Blog — Grace Talk Soup RSS

Grace Talk Soup's Economic Stimulus Package!

Yesterday was one of our most amazing shows on Grace Talk Soup to date!  We gave away a TON of great information on How to Get a Job in Today's Tough Market: * How traditional methods of finding a job don't work in today's market * Creative ideas for finding a job today * How to write your resume even if you've been out of work for "motherhood" a long while * How to prepare for the interview Then we gave our own version of an Economic Stimulus Package: The Grace Talk Soup Economic Stimulus Package includes opportunities for job seekers to have their resume's proofread by Carla Ives (AKA Ethel the Editor) for only $10 and JoJo's (AKA Lucy...

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Enter our contest for a chance to win!

Did you enter our contest yet this week?  It's easy!  Just leave us a comment on the Grace Talk Soup podcast site with your comments, feedback or suggestions (topics you want to see covered on future shows) and we will be picking one at random this week prior to Thursday's show to be our winner! How to enter: Scroll down to where the talk bubbles are to rate the show and underneath where it says "Write a full comment?"  Click there to leave your feedback or show topic suggestion. How to see if you are a winner: Listen to the show on Thursday to hear if your name is called and how to claim your prize!  Our winner will have...

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Dr. Seuss Meets Lucy and Ethel

In honor of our guests tomorrow who wrote an enormously funny and poignant Dr. Seuss like poem about the CPSIA law we will be discussing, Ethel and I wrote a poem about our new segment, "I Love Language" on Grace Talk Soup.  Here is only an excerpt. You'll have to tune in tomorrow to hear the rest!  But you'll really want to hear their poem and why this law is so confusing and dangerous. Lucy and Ethel loved language and so they decided to teach on a humorous show how to say what you mean and mean what you say and edit your words in an eloquent way! WANT MORE?  Stay tuned to... Grace Talk Soup's new segment "I Love...

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New Articles! New Show! New Study!

Happy Thursday Communication FUNdamentals readers!  Writing your blog posts ahead of time gives new meaning to the phrase "time flies when you're having fun" cuz here I am on Monday writing as if it's Thursday.  I have one toe in the future contemplating my newest gray hair!  As if I wasn't getting old fast enough on my own...!  ROFL For months I've been telling you that I'm going to be adding some new articles to the Art of Eloquence site.  You probably thought this day would never come but here it is!  How did this happen you ask?  Well, to be perfectly candid, I'm supposed to be writing some new eBooks but I hit a wee bit of writer's block...

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Lucy Linguist & Ethel the Editor Star in "I Love Language"

Are you confident that you are being understood when speaking to your child's doctor?  Are you sure that they know exactly what you need when you finally get to the right menu option at your mortgage company?  Do you know why your small business isn't going where you feel it should?  Is it possibly because you aren't communicating skillfully and efficiently? If it is . . . or if it even might be, you need to join us every Thursday morning on Grace Talk Soup for I Love Language, starring Lucy Linguist and Ethel the Editor.  Laugh along with these two crazy compadres of Communication FUNdamentals, one spoken and one written, while gaining valuable knowledge and important tips on improving...

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