New Articles! New Show! New Study!

Happy Thursday Communication FUNdamentals readers!  Writing your blog posts ahead of time gives new meaning to the phrase "time flies when you're having fun" cuz here I am on Monday writing as if it's Thursday.  I have one toe in the future contemplating my newest gray hair!  As if I wasn't getting old fast enough on my own...!  ROFL writingFor months I've been telling you that I'm going to be adding some new articles to the Art of Eloquence site.  You probably thought this day would never come but here it is!  How did this happen you ask?  Well, to be perfectly candid, I'm supposed to be writing some new eBooks but I hit a wee bit of writer's block and I'm playing hooky from it for a few minutes.  I spruced up some of my old Tuesday Tips articles that were buried under mounds of old blog posts and popped them up on Art of Eloquence.  Violin!...I mean, viola! I have a few of them up there for you, but here's one I thought would be very timely.  With everyone trying to figure out this Twitter and Facebook thing, I thought I would point out one of my new articles that might help you communicate more effectively on social networking sites that allow limited space:  How to Say What You Mean in 140 Characters or Less! Another great and FREE resource is my internet radio show, Grace Talk Soup.  Today is the first day of our new format with my new cohost!  If you are reading this before 8am PST/11am EST, then jump right on over to the show!  Today's topic is Hecklers and the Lost Art of Civility.  If you are reading this after 9am PST/12pm EST, then jump right on over to the show!  LOL  And listen to the audio!  :D  The all new Grace Talk Soup stars Ethel the Editor and Lucy Linguist staring in "I Love Language"!  Don't miss the fun each week! fimmology200tn1 FIMMology 101: The Study of the Humorous Sins of Our Mouths Speaking of which...If you are into fun, I have a brand new communication study for you that you will just adore! FIMM is our resident mascot and MIScommunicator.  He sticks his foot in his mouth so often he has Athlete's Tongue!  He does so for your entertainment and education.  This is the most fun you could have studying communication skills.  Let Foot in Mouth Man illustrate the hilarious reasons why communication skills are so important and give you tips for more effective communication through reading the best of his 130 + MISadventures! Each episode is PACKED with communication lessons and discussion opportunities with your children! It's Thursday!  Do you know where your communication FUN is? Art of!


  • Cindy Holman

    Thanks for the great tips, JoJo!!

  • jojosblog

    You are quite welcome!

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