Art of Eloquence Blog — Friday Funnies RSS

Baby Babble

This is adorable though I can't help but relate it to adults when we are communicating with others, thinking we are clear.  We know what we mean, but we may not be getting through to others who don't understand.  It happens every day with our family, friends and business associates. Most of the troubles in life stem from misunderstandings. It takes much more than knowing what you're saying to be understood!  It takes the Art of Eloquence!

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Bad Baby Names

My brother and his wife are having their second baby.  It's a boy.  They have asked that the family keep the name suggestions to ourselves.  I guess we all got a bit overwhelming with the suggestions for their first child and they'd like to do this one SOLO.  Here's what started the whole family naming ritual... We already had a name picked out if our first child was a boy:  Christopher Ryan.  And it was supposed to be a boy.  She was supposed to be a boy.  The doctor told us she was a boy, but on the off chance she wasn't a boy, we needed a girl's name! My folks, well actually my mom, was a HUGE help in...

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Can you spot the error?

Yesterday on Grace Talk Soup, I was talking about how seriously the scribes were about copying the Bible and how amazingly accurate it is.  I mentioned how difficult it is to proof your own work and how even with a good editor, it's hard not to find an error. I shared how my daughter found some errors on Stanford University's website.  What I didn't have time to mention is this very funny picture we found of one of the SAT prep books we considered purchasing for her. Can you spot why we didn't? Communication errors can cost!

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When insults had class

There was a time when men disagreed using intellect and humor to banter back and forth.  Much of it was all in fun. "I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play, bring a friend... if you have one."   - George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill "Cannot possibly attend first night, will attend second... if there is one." - Winston Churchill, in reply Learning Communication skills can also be fun with Art of!

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