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Women's Business Webinar Tomorrow

You are losing customers daily... because you are probably making the 15 Deadly Mistakes Women Make in Business! Your customers will never tell you why they didn’t buy from you or why they didn't come back to your site...but I will! This webinar is like nothing you’ve seen!  You’ll get no fluff here. You'll receive one hour packed with information from a proven expert that will transform your business.  Reserve your spot now and get my eBook, Say What You Mean When You’re in Business FREE! Plus at the end of the webinar you will have access to the slide show with all of my notes so you won’t miss a thing. For only a few dollars more than the cost of the eBook alone, you’ll...

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Don't Miss the Upcoming Facebook Fun!

If you weren't already aware, Art of Eloquence has a fan page over on Facebook.  We've been having such a fun time over there that I thought I'd share it with everyone so you could come on over and join us for some upcoming Art of Eloquence Communication FUN.  Aside from all the fun links, videos, funny pictures and sayings posted weekly, here are two reasons you'll want to join us... 1. Communication BINGO starts Sept. 1st! I have a list of 75 communication terms posted on a secret link on the Art of Eloquence website just for our Facebook fan page members.  Choose 25 of the terms, email them in to me before Sept. 1st and play along to...

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