Art of Eloquence Blog — fear RSS

Public Speaking Tips for Overcoming Fear

Since this month is speech month here at Communication FUNdamentals, I thought I'd re-post an article I wrote a while back.  So many of you have emailed in to say how intimidating public speaking is.  Here is JoJo's Rules for Overcoming Public Speaking Fear: Public Speaking Tips for Overcoming Fear By JoJo Tabares Public speaking is the number one fear in America-even ahead of DEATH. People make all kinds of excuses for not taking an opportunity to show others what they have to offer whether it be in a large, formal setting, an intimate gathering or just speaking up for what they believe in. Studies show that those who like making speeches are more successful and make more money. Here...

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10 Things People Would Rather Do Than Speak in Public

10 Things People Would Rather Do Than Speak in Public... 1.Count the blades of grass 2. Eat Liver 3. Sit in rush hour traffic 4. Listen to nails scratching on a blackboard 5. Babysit Tommy the Terrible 6. Pay their taxes 7.  Have root canal 8. Jump out of an airplane 9. Snuggle with a grizzly bear 10. Cut off their right arm! 1 Thing You Can do to Overcome the Fear: Click here! Even shy kids LOVE this fun speech course!

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