10 Things People Would Rather Do Than Speak in Public

10 Things People Would Rather Do Than Speak in Public... 1.Count the blades of grass 2. Eat Liver 3. Sit in rush hour traffic 4. Listen to nails scratching on a blackboard 5. Babysit Tommy the Terrible 6. Pay their taxes 7.  Have root canal 8. Jump out of an airplane 9. Snuggle with a grizzly bear 10. Cut off their right arm! 1 Thing You Can do to Overcome the Fear: Click here!

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  • jojosblog

    I’d rather speak in public than to even SMELL liver cooking! lol

  • Andrew Oxenham

    Haha, so true. When I began my public speaking career, any of those 10 things would have been on my list of things to do before I’d even consider speaking in public =)

  • cindyholman

    Hey – I like liver!!!! Very funny – I love these :)

  • Ancoti

    Jerry Seinfeld does a routine in which he says fear of public speaking is our greatest fear, death is second. So at a funeral, the average American would rather be in the casket than give the eulogy.

    I think you are spot on with our fears!

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