How to Effectively Discuss Controversial Political Issues without Arguments eBook Currently Available for Pre-Order The political climate in the United States is volitile. Most political discussions are heated, but they need not be. If you are a Christian and find yourself on the typical Christian conservative view of each issue, but aren't sure how to voice your concerns without ending up in a heated dicussion, this eBook is for you! This is a study like NO OTHER! Say What You Mean: Debating the Issues helps you understand the issues, but it also teaches you tips and techniques for presenting your Christian conservative viewpoints in a way that will be much more effective and friendly. Many people think of discussing politics as a debate and,...
In November, Art of Eloquence will be eight years old! We've been having a great time with our visitors/customers with our birthday celebration and we've been giving away prizes! So far we gave away prizes for finding all eight FIMMs that are hiding throughout our site, for playing Communication BINGO over on our Facebook fan page, and we have tons of folks who have earned Birthday Bash Points toward our Grand Prize by either posting a link to any page of our site (and letting us know) or by purchasing any of our speech communication eProducts! But the Art of Eloquence Birthday Bash is coming to an end this month! There are only a few more weeks left to...
It's time again for Friday Funnies and this week I'm sharing a fun video where Costello debates the issue and proves that 13x7=28.
Winning a debate doesn't always mean you are on the right side of an issue. It can just mean you've got good writers and...communication skills!
For more fun with Communication FUNdamentals, visit
This video uses all the elements of a great speech. I love the way this woman communicates! She's funny, energetic and gets her point across well. Check her out!
What you can accomplish for your cause with some communication training.
Check out Art of Eloquence today!
I've asked this very question at countless seminars I've given. Most people say that communication is very important in their lives. However, when I ask if anyone ever took a communication class or studied communication skills or taught their children effective communication, I get one of three answers: 1. Oh, I'm not a politician or a lawyer so I don't really need to make speeches. But I thought you just said you thought communication skills were important for your every day life? Most people think of communication skills as speech or debate and equate these skills with things at which only lawyers and politicians need to be proficient. They suddenly forget why they answered yes and immediately go to the...