Continuing with part three of my article series that left off last Wednesday, I bring your attention to lesson three: Don't let anyone distract you. You may have noticed that little children are like a freight train barreling through anyone who dares to interrupt them or try to distract them from their goal. They will ask sixteen times in a row, if they have to, in order to obtain the cookie. I refer you to last Friday's Communication Friday Funny where little Sophia, aged 2, wanted a lollipop. As we grow older and wiser, we learn to become sensitive to other's needs and this is a good thing, but we also learn to exchange our tenacity for fear and our ...
If you missed Monday's first communication lesson from five year olds, click here. Here's today's installment: Lesson Two: Listen Wide-Eyed. Young children are notorious for their wide eyes as they soak up information. You may not think they are paying close attention, but they absorb almost everything around them. You know this because, if you aren't careful, they repeat things you said that you wish you hadn't. We adults could learn a great deal from this trait. To a young child, everything is wondrous. When they ask a question, they don't care whether that person is educated, important, powerful or well-respected. They expect an answer. They often don't even much care if the answer is correct. How would they know...