It's Dr. Seuss Week

Oh, he’s my all-time favorite! I still read Dr. Seuss books when I want to feel better. I remember when the Cat in the Hat came out and it was banned in my school as being too “silly.” LOL It was written as a reading textbook, too! My fave is The Lorax. . . not the current movie, but the book I read in high school. I think the one I loved but did too much of was Green Eggs and Ham. My little sister was a tot when that came out and it was her favorite so I read it over and over and over and OVER until I could recite it. For my kids, I remember reading The Foot Book until I was blue! LOLOL I wish we could’ve cloned ‘ole Ted. There’s such a need for his kind of stuff in this world! Thank goodness his books will live on forever!!!!!
I think so too. LOVE Dr. Seuss!