It's Natl Win with Civility Month

August is National Win with Civility Month!  With all the horrible things you hear people say to each other these days, isn't this a wonderful thought?  How can we celebrate this month?  What can we do to further civility in America and around the world? Let's not compromise our beliefs or leave unsaid the things that should be said, but let's find ways to promote civility this month.  Not like these guys to my left here! lol I posted about this on my Facebook wall last year asking folks to repost it on their FB wall in support of civility and was disappointed it didn't get as much participation.  This year, I'd love to get more support for civility and let's make it fun.  How can Art of Eloquence do this?  If you have an idea for us, please post a comment here!  We'll discuss the ideas and implement the one(s) that we feel will work for us best. So let's hear from you!  How can Art of Eloquence celebrate civility this year? X If you liked this post, make sure to subscribe to our RSS Feed so you don’t miss one and SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter: for even MORE communication fun, FREE gifts, Book of the Month Club and exclusive excerpts and offers we don’t share with ANYONE else but our subscribers! X


  • Carla

    The only thing that comes to mind right now is to think for a second or two before you insert your foot in your mouth and gnaw off your big toe! Too many of us blurt out without thinking. (Note I said “us.”) I’ll see what else I can come up with. I think it’s a superb idea! We could all use a dose of civility. There’s so little to go around these days!

  • jojosblog

    Thanks and thanks for posting this on your Facebook fan page!

  • Cindy Holman

    I love what Carla said. Think before speaking – think before posting. I have hidden the people that have a problem with this and don’t see things anymore online that are obnoxious. I love that option – and I’m really loving google+ for that reason – you can just have the real people that you interact with on your stream to see and connect with rather than EVERYBODY.

  • jojosblog

    I’d love to do some sort of event, though. Just can’t think of anything creative and fun.

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