American History Speech Challenge

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by El LaGrew. El LaGrew said: RT @JoJoTabares: American History Speech Challenge: http://artofeloquence.com/blog/americanhistoryspeech/ […]
Sounds like fun! As my US History 1 Class is just getting into the founding of this country, I think I’ll go bone up on some Patrick Henry. :) Good thing you said you could use notes, though. There is no way in all this snow I could remember two minutes worth. I had a student a few years back with a photographic memory. She could do five minutes with one tiny cue card and she barely looked down. Always amazed me! And she was GOOD. Delivery was animated with all the correct expressions in the right places. If I can do part of it half that well, I shall be a happy camper!
I took a speech class in college. Part of me loved the challenge – part of me HATED that class. I remember writing some pretty cool things to compete in as our class would enter tournaments etc. I also got Mono that semester and was never able to finish the class. It was the spring before Greg and I were married the following September – so it’s been 30 years this year! I’d rather sing and write – then talk in front of people – but my Mary Kay training taught me good things and I was able to do it without being too nervous – it’s just not what I prefer. I like one on one better.
Thanks for the RT, Elbert!
Carla, that sounds like a speech master!
Cindy, it’s not as difficult with Art of Eloquence studies. They’re fun and creative.