Email Poll
Hmmm…. ironic that I would have a typo in this reply! LOL! #2 should say “trouble”: I would have trouble accepting…"
As many times as we proof our work…there yet may be typos or overlooked words. That doesn’t bother me. It’s when someone incorrectly uses a word consistently (or has other errors) that is obviously not a typo.
1. Yes, someone wanted to sell me a book on health and wellness and they emailed me with mega spelling errors and typos-they also did not support their ideas well (ie. gave no facts, used only hysteria). I could excuse one typo or maybe two but that many in an email? Come on! Also, if they wanted to persuade me of their ideas on health and wellness, then they needed to make some sense in what they were saying. All I ended up thinking was that the person was a sensationalist! I heard from someone else that the book contained many errors and incongruent thoughts. I didn’t waste money on it. I would have been driven crazy by the typos and sentence structure.
2. If someone wanted me to publish a book with them and they couldn’t spell or type, I’d not be impressed. I’ve actually had this happen before in a smaller way. An editor wanted me to submit to her anthology and yet her email was so poorly written that I did not want her to edit my work. I was afraid I would end up sounding like an idiot. LOL.
3. I think I answered this in the other notes. LOL. -
You are so right about email and texting causing so many misunderstanding – and yet – I still love the written word and find myself using it more and more because that’s how I express myself. I myself have felt slighted or hurt because of emails and the like – and I know I have caused misunderstandings and hurt feelings to – quite unaware. It seems to be a great problem in our society today. I do not like poor grammar or misspelled words – probably like you it makes someone seem uneducated and not intelligent. However that is sometimes not the case at all – people are just lazy typists!!