Rush to Hatred
Amen Joan. There is a way we can tell someone we disagree without being disrespectful. That’s what we teach at Art of Eloquence and that is a very important lesson for one of my next studies: Say What You Mean: Debating the Issues. It’s about how to voice political disagreements.
This is great, JoJo. I’ve written in my Blog similar thoughts. And have bee surprised by some of the responses from people who thought I was suggesting squashing their “freedom of speech”. Of course, I was not. I was just suggesting that they do it in a more constructive way. Reading American political history, however, is a kind of relief in that nasty political rhetoric and divisive language has always been a part of the system. It is just unfortunate that Christians get caught up into it instead of acting and responding counter culturally. Like Jesus.
I read somewhere along these lines awhile back. The article, then referenced the relationship of the Late President Reagan and his political arch-nemisis Tip O’Neal. They were at opposing sides almost always in the ‘business of politics’ yet could put it aside and be seen laughing over a drink. I believe they considered themselves friends of the other. I am vehemently opposed for what I perceive as freedoms being taken away and am vocal in doing so. I also know I am to pray for this man and others in government, they need Jesus as much, if not more, than John Q. Public. However, to ever, ever wish something ill upon these men and women is inexcusable.