December's Mailbag Monday

It's Mailbag Monday!  The last Monday of the month here at Communication FUNdamentals is always devoted to your comments and questions.  So it's time again for the mail.  Actually, I answer all emails as they come in, but each month I like to take a few and post them here because the answers to some of the issues and questions are beneficial to so many more. First I want to thank all of you who took the time to write in or to post here on my blog.  I get so much SPAM through here that it's nice to read comments from real people!  Keeps me going to know you appreciate what I write and that it is helping you or made you smile! I received MANY comments and thank yous from our newsletter subscribers and Art of Eloquence Facebook Fans about this year's Christmas gift, God Is Everywhere.  I even had a subscriber who said she was in charge of the projection system at her church service and asked permission to post it up as a slide show before service started one week!   I was humbled and honored to grant permission and I pray it blessed many in the congregation that week! If you didn't know about our Christmas gift, it's probably because you are not one of our newsletter subscribers or a Facebook fan.  You can subscribe to our newsletter, What's New at Art of Eloquence or become a member of the Art of Eloquence Fan Club if you are on Facebook.  Art of Eloquence gives free gifts away and makes special offers available throughout the year! We also received some emails from some The Old Schoolhouse Magazine subscribers who saw my articles this year.  I'm happy to work with The Old Schoolhouse any time I can. They are a great company and so wonderful to work with!  I'm so happy the articles blessed you!   Someone called and asked if I had any others coming out in TOS and the answer is yes.  I have an article coming out in their January issue that will talk about the Three Flavors of Communication which is the theme of this year's Say What You Mean Convention coming up February 3rd! Someone else wrote in asking why the convention details for 5th Annual SWMC is not yet up on the site.  We usually don't change the information until January so stay tuned to the website and this blog for more information.  I promise even more fun, free gifts, contests with prizes and great teaching this year! Lastly this month I received a great deal of email from folks asking why I chose to stop podcasting in 2010.  Many said the Communication Comedy Network was fun and informative and they asked that I keep it going.  I wanted to take a little more time to explain. It’s been a wonderfully creative outlet for me actually, but very, VERY time consuming.  Several folks didn't understand why.  I’m a very creative soul and I tend to go over the top.  The show wasn’t just me reporting on issues and giving communication advice.  I did a great deal of research for each show, but that wasn’t even half of the work that went into the show. The show was run like an actual TV or radio network with various “shows” having different hosts (each with a different personality, speech pattern and accent).  Further each show had its own theme and weekly topics and all done each week by me…voices, accents and all!   Each show had to be planned, researched, scripted and rehearsed each and every week.  It was a blast and, if I were getting paid even one salary for it, I would continue.  However, as with many of the other things I took on in 2009, it was far too time consuming and didn’t allow me to work on the things that would have brought in an income and finish many of the projects our customers were asking for. However, as is my nature, I couldn't leave busy enough alone.  I just had to finish off the podcast this month in the creative and fun JoJo way.  And so I recorded an audio and posted a blog entry with what I thought would be a fun way to end the entire experience both for me and for my listeners.  You can see the blog post here.  It has a picture of all of the hosts of the CCN (me myself and I) with a link to the audio where Announcer Guy (also me) explains what each one of us will be doing in 2010.  It's only a few minutes long, but I thought it was pretty funny.  Apparently many of you agreed as I received a ton of comments both on the blog and off! Thanks so much for all the great feedback this month!  I pray you had  a blessed Christmas and that God continue to bless you in 2010.  If you have a question or a comment, please feel free to either post it here or email me jojo @


  • Laurie Neumann


    You are such a blessing to everyone! I totally understand how much you give and put into your podcasts. Sometimes, some things just have to go.

    I hope you are blessed with additional time to work on more products and venues that are beneficial to others and to you and your family.

  • BeckyJoie

    We’ll miss the podcasts, JoJo but I personally understand how much work goes into researching and recording. It is so fun but takes time from things that are better time investments for income. As a writer, I’ve done some of the plate overloading as well and my writing ministry and business has suffered. I’m planning to do much the same thing this year by unloading some things from my schedule and focusing more energy in the things on which I’ve slacked. I wish you the best in your writing/speaking businesses and personal life as well. Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year to you. I can’t wait to see how your gifts are multiplied this next year and how God is going to bless you!

  • jojosblog

    Thanks so much ladies! I feel badly for not continuing them but it’s just something I can’t keep up. Also my church has a women’s fellowship on Thursday mornings that I could never attend due to the show. So you can guess what day my new seminars WON’T be. lol

  • Cindy Holman

    Love you JoJo! You are a blessing in my life ?

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