"It is unlawful to intentionally use any label that has been voided or refunded to ship a package through the U.S. Postal Service, or to duplicate a label for reuse."THEY canceled the transaction...AFTER I had already received a confirmation and took it to be shipped! THEY still had my money captured and now they want me to pay them again and are calling me UNLAWFUL? I don't think so! I followed their instructions to pay for the postage AGAIN and I am waiting to see if they give me my other funds back. I, then, wrote a formal complaint to the USPS. I seriously doubt I'll ever hear back from them and I am disinclined to use their website anymore. I guess that's why UPS is so popular. I'd send them a free copy of my book, Say What You Mean When You're in Business, but I doubt anyone would read it. And they want to run health care? A public service announcement from the folks at Art of Eloquence.com *NOTE* I am closing the comments on this blogpost due to HUNDREDS of SPAM messages I receive per day which are picking up on the SEO of these key words.
I am a postal thief
This is also an example of how something small can turn into a big problem. Jealousy, greed,and pride are a few examples of things that begin small and grow into big problems. Just as they didn’t refund your money and wanted you to pay more, sin will only return hurt and demand more from us.
Oh Wow!!! I feel your pain, JoJo!!!
So true Lois. All they had to do was to email me asking for reimbursement due to this glitch. Instead I’m a postage stamp thief! ROFL
I’m sorry for your trouble. My hubby the postman tells me the USPS is actually privately owned and government regulated. Beware of emails too. I recieved one and enver mailed anything. Some of those are scams and viruses from look alike sites too. Anyway….I hope you are able to get it fixed.
Thanks for sharing this. There’s nothing worse than trying to do the right thing and then becoming entangled by the very system you’re trying to use! Keep us posted (no pun intended)!