Customer NONservice?

Customer NONservice? My daughter called me at work to say I was to phone Ian at my bank. The customer service operator asked me what Ian's last name was and I explained that he hadn't left his surname. When she asked for his department, I said I didn't know. "There are 1500 employees in this building, ma'am," she advised me rather curtly. After a few more brusque comments, I asked her for her name. "Danielle," she said. "And your last name?" I asked. "Sorry," she replied, "we don't give out last names." From


  • Ann

    Wow – I’m not sure what to say other than that. Wow.

  • Felice

    That is sooo typical! With customer service the axiom is “the customer is always right” …

    My pet peeve is waiting and the receptionist not even acknowledging that you exist. You don’t mind waiting when they say, “I’ll be with you in a moment.” …but to be ignored? You wonder if they even see you, or are they playing a hand held game behind the counter and don’t want to be distracted!

  • BeckyJoie

    Oh, that figures. It’s like the customer services reps who put you on hold to talk to a manager and hand the phone to a co-worker who is not a manager either and can’t do a thing to help you. Oye!

  • Judy

    Ha! Sooo typical! I guess sometimes all we can do is laugh!

  • cindy holman

    Are you KIDDING me???? How rude.

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