FIMMology 101

FIMMology 101

FIMMology 101: The FIMMportant, FIMMtastic and FUNbelievable Study of the Humorous Sins of Our Mouths!

FIMMology (fim-ol'-o-gy) noun: 1. the study of Foot in Mouth Disease; 2. the study of the art of the humorous sins of the mouth. 

Thirty nine pages and over 30 lessons packed with hilariously, creative Foot in Mouth Man episodes teaching various communication skills!  This is NOT your traditional communication study!

  • eBook available immediately as a download
  • Over 30 fun-filled, creative lessons
  • Adorably illustrated
  • Links to even more FIMM Fun
  • PERFECT for shy communicators!
  • FUN lessons you can share with children of various ages
  • Can be used as a homeschool study by teaching one lesson per week and using discussion to explore its implications!
  • Have students rewrite each FIMM Faux Pas the way it should have been handled or share it orally!
  • Perfect for adults who need a giggle break!
  • Makes a great gift too!

Foot in Mouth Man or FIMM, as he is known, began on my blog in 2006. The idea was to create a loveable yet bumbling character that sailed through his life oblivious to the trouble he caused by his complete lack of effective communication skills. His misadventures serve to educate through humor. FIMM stumbles and bumbles his way through life sticking his foot in his mouth so often he has Athlete’s Tongue! FIMM’s misadventures allow young and old alike the opportunity for insight.

The response to FIMM was unprecedented in Art of Eloquence history! Almost everyone can identify with FIMM.  He takes things to extremes, but there is usually a grain of each of us in each episode. FIMM made such an impact that we had to give him his own page on the Art of Eloquence website. In fact, he had such a response that we starred him in his very own movie and put it on his page. FIMM Fame continued to spread and he began speaking…YES SPEAKING…at various online events. FIMM was a guest on my podcast, Grace Talk Soup and a guest speaker at the Say What You Mean Convention in 2008.

Homeschool moms used The Misadventures of Foot in Mouth Man as a mini communication lesson each month during that time!

Well, after over 120 weekly episodes, we began to run out of room on the Foot in Mouth Man webpage right here at Art of We decided to take all his past episodes off the page to allow for easier navigation through each new episode. We still have FIMM’s video and a few of his past episodes listed there, as well as links to his debut “FIMM Speaks” episode on my podcast. FIMM promises to use his inabilities in order to illustrate and teach the skills we all so desperately need each day. FIMM continues to make lemonade out of his lemons each month on his page!

FIMMology 101 is an eBook, containing the BEST of Foot in Mouth Man: the most memorable, creative and fun of his weekly misadventures all in one place. It is my prayer that you and your family find “himm” entertaining and fun, but that you also take to heart the communication lessons inside of each episode as you hone your skills for the things the Lord has for you to share!

For a sample of FIMM's episodes, you can click on his page to view a few of his videos we recorded and a few of his episodes in our archives.

Here's what a customer had to say:

"I have to tell you that my daughter and I are using your FIMMOLOGY as the basis of our communications and creative writing class this year. I can't begin to express to you just how much she enjoys reading the stories of FIMM. Her assignments center around how she can re-write his difficulties to get and keep him out of trouble. She really, really is enjoying it. Know that she and I are huge fans of yours!!"-Trudy

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