Worth a Bowed Head Special Offer
Welcome! You've reached a secret page on the Art of Eloquence website just for Worth a Bowed Head readers and friends! This is an EXCLUSIVE offer just for YOU!
Speech communication (the skill involved in making and maintaining EVERY relationship your child will ever have) is one of the most important subjects you can teach your child! Studies show that effective communicators have longer marriages, more satisfying friendships, more successful careers and even earn more money in their lifetime than those who never learn to master these skills!
One of the most important communication skills your child will need to learn is speech making. It's not that they will necessarily need to give a formal speech on a consistent basis, but the skills learned in speech making will help them formulate their ideas and present them in a concise and tailored way. This skill alone will give them a leg up in the following areas:
* A leg up in getting what they want out of life because they know how to articulate it!
* A head start in their career as this skill is helpful in interviewing, business meetings, presentations, conflict resolution in the workplace, in sales, in leadership positions, and in many of the steps necessary in being considered for a promotion!
* A foundation in the skills necessary for ministry being able to articulate the work God has for them!
* And the skills necessary in order to formulate their thoughts as they share the Word of God with others!
Say What You Mean: A Creative Speech Course Special Offer!
Even Shy Kids LOVE This Speech eBook!
This Christian-based, 18 week (one semester) course teaches impromptu and prepared speeches!
Fear of speaking with others is timidity or what we call shyness. Many people mistakenly think that shyness is a character trait or a personality flaw. It is not. For the most part, it is the result of not being comfortable or experienced with certain aspects of communication for some period of time. The longer a person has experienced himself as shy, the stronger its hold over him.
" I highly recommend the Say What You Mean Speech Course for teens. I have two homeschooled sons, ages 13 and 15, using it this year and it is their first experience with a "speech" curriculum. Mrs. Tabares, through her curricula, has given my sons the tools, opportunity and feedback necessary to become confident and competent in their speaking, whether a one-on-one impromptu conversation or a prepared speech in a group setting. My sons love speech and have grown and learned so much and that says it all!" -Joann Oxenham
And just for you, Worth a Bowed Head readers and friends, we are offering you this fun and creative semester speech course at a 40% discount by using coupon code: WBH40 at check out!
In addition to getting a 40% discount on this incredibly fun way to learn speech making, we want to give you even MORE! After you order your copy of Say What You Mean: A Creative Speech Course, just email me jojo@artofeloquence.com to request your FREE BONUS GIFT!
The Play Book is our fun and creative activity book for the younger children in your family to get a leg up on their communication skills through play!
This is a collection of games, activities and crafts you can do with your younger children that will give them a foundation in one of the most important skills they will ever need in life: the ability to communicate effectively!
This eBook is designed to help parents foster communication skills in young children. Some of these are blasts from the past (with new variations), games that I played as a child...only I didn't know what they were teaching me! In today's techie society, our children have lost touch with these old fashioned games that taught so much about life. I bring them back to your memory and tell you what communication skills they teach.
To order this fun and creative speech course at a 40% discount and get your free bonus of The Play Book for your younger children, click here! BUT HURRY!
This offer is only good through midnight EST on Thursday, December 17th!