21 Days to More Godly Communication
It takes 21 days to make a habit; why not make it count for God?
This eBook was over six years in the making!
The Lord shares literally hundreds and hundreds of scriptures in His Word that instruct us on the use, misuse and benefits of our tongues, mouths and words.
I began writing articles on my blog and one day I decided to issue myself a challenge to write a communication article every day based on 21 of my favorite communication scriptures. The response to my blog series was amazing! I covered topics in scripture from Proverbs to Psalms, Philipians, Ephesians, Isaiah, Ecclesiastes, and from 1 Peter to 2 Timothy!
What's Inside:
* Why communication is even more important today than ever before
* What the world says about communication skills
* What God and His Word says about communicating with each other
* How God's Word can help us communicate in grace even in today's sometimes hostile world
* Tips for communicating in grace
* Tips for handling rejection, criticism and conflicts
* When to stand up and speak out and when it's better to lose the argument and win for the Lord.
Each day's lesson starts with a scripture that shares an insight into how the Lord asks us to communicate with each other--not when giving speeches or in the courtroom, but for every day conversations with friends, family and neighbors.
Next I share how we can apply scripture in every day life and why the world has problems when we don't. I also give some tips and at the end of each day's lesson is "Today's Godly Habit Forming Assignment!" This is an easy way for you to take steps to more effective and godly communication!
They say it takes 21 days to make a habit but this study goes even further than that! In fact, this is the very first Art of Eloquence communication study with this feature!!
I feel so strongly about this study that I am giving away EVEN MORE scripture based communication articles as a bonus! I've set up a secret page where I share even more scripture based communication articles that are accessible though a link embedded directly into the text of 21 Days to More Godly Communication!
That's right, each customer who purchases 21 Days to More Godly Communication will have access to my secret page where I will share even more scripture based communication articles!
May God bless your communication!