Give them the gift of confidently sharing their faith in love!

The Art of Eloquence Unbelievable Christmas Sale Week Continues!


The Following Sale is for Friday, December 18th ONLY!

 Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith 35% OFF SALE!

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:" 1Peter 3:15

Will your teen's faith be shaken as he or she heads off to college or out into the world which is now unfriendly toward Christians? 

* Did you know that up to 80% of Christian teens will say they are no longer born again after college?  Some of them after only one year!  

* College professors and their fellow students WILL ask them about their faith and, if they aren't able to articulate it, they will not only fail to share the hope that is in them, but they will lose that hope of salvation for themselves

Are you comfortable enough to answer questions like these? 
* What about all the horrible things done in Jesus’ name?
 * If there is a God, why is there so much suffering?
 * Why are Christians so intolerant?
 * Isn't the Bible full of contradictions, revisions and mistakes?

Do you know how to answer these questions? These questions and many more strike fear in most people, but what if you could feel confident about answering them? 

Most Christians are afraid to share their faith for fear they will be seen as pushy. Others don't consider how they come across to unbelievers and do, indeed, push them as if to hit them over the head with the King James Bible.  While we are to be bold enough to share the truth, we are also to be grace-filled when we do so in order that we will be able to relate to them. I'm JoJo Tabares. I'm of Jewish heritage and grew up in an Atheist home.  This study comes from my personal experience in talking to people of various faiths and beliefs about my Christian faith.  

The sale price is already reflected on the product page!  But hurry, this incredible sales price lasts ONLY FOR TODAY!

To order or read more about Say What You Mean: Defending the Faith, click here!



NOTE: To see the full week's schedule of our Unbelievable Christmas Special Offers, click here!

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